Contains:  Other
m76 - The Little Dumbbell, Simon Murray

m76 - The Little Dumbbell

m76 - The Little Dumbbell, Simon Murray

m76 - The Little Dumbbell


Vixen 102 ED F9 Refractor

Canon 300d

Lumicon Deep Sky Filter

78 x 30" exposures ISO 1600

Stacked with DeepSkyStacker

Photoshop CS3

Urban Location - Newcastle upon Tyne (limiting magnitude around 4.5)

11th Oct 2009 - 22:20 UT

A nebula at a distance of 8,000 Light years. Consists of two lobes. Small Object size around 3' x 2'. The moon is around 30'



m76 - The Little Dumbbell, Simon Murray